For a mean old man of nearly 75 (on September 29), Jerry Lee Lewis continues to attract a fair amount of attention. Not only is his latest CD Mean Old Man hitting record shops, but apparently Brad Pitt is scheduled to portray The Killer in a biopic. The last one, featuring Dennis Quaid, back in 1989, was a bit of a disappointment, but it's a tribute to the old man's longevity that despite a life filled with controversy, booze and drugs he is still not only around, but in the headlines.
Jerry Lee's early years as a rock star and, some would say, child molester, are well documented. But for me he was one of the great rock and rollers, a southern white rebel and a victim of old fashioned prejudice when he was run out of town in England when he toured in 1958. It's great to see him still doing his thing after all these years. but I have a feeling that Brad Pitt's portayal will merely drag up an old story that is not worth the telling. I await it with interest, but some scepticism, if and when it happens.
Here's a clip of Jerry Lee in the US recently
And here's one of the recent stories about Brad Pitt's biopic,
Here's Jerry Lee's Wikipedia entry for anyone sho still hasn't caught up with his eventful life:
For me, there was a handful of early rock'n'rollers that stood head and shoulders above the rest: Chuck Berry, Elvis, Buddy Holly, Little Richard, Bo Diddley, Fats Domino and the Killer. Surprisingly, four of them are still with us - even more surprisingly, Jerry Lee is one of these. Long may he rock on.