Here are a few of the EPs featured so far. There are some collectable items and some which are really quite naff, but hopefully some, at least, are of interest. More will follow.
Blues, rock and roll, soul, fifties and sixties pop, cajun, jazz, folk, vinyl records, LPs, EPs, singles, New Orleans, Memphis, UK rock, nostalgia, girl groups, ska, rocksteady.
Friday, February 16, 2018
In celebration of the EP
In the absence of any live music lately, I've been putting some photos of UK EPs on Facebook. The extended play record is something of the poor relation of the vinyl world - not as glamorous as a really good or rare single and rather short compared with an LP. Many of them were just rehashes of the A and B sides of a couple of 45s. But some of them contained tracks unobtainable elsewhere at the time. And, given the lack of picture sleeves for UK releases in the fifties and sixties, they were the only seven inch with a decent cover.
Here are a few of the EPs featured so far. There are some collectable items and some which are really quite naff, but hopefully some, at least, are of interest. More will follow.
Here are a few of the EPs featured so far. There are some collectable items and some which are really quite naff, but hopefully some, at least, are of interest. More will follow.
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