
Saturday, June 04, 2022

Platimum Party at the Palace

I'm no royalist but I couldn't really avoid the Platinum Party at the Palace which dominated the BBC on Saturday night. There was an array of artists - some good, some not so good - in a show which didn't linger too long on any one in particular. Queen, or what is left of them, kicked off the show and Brian May showed that he is still an excellent guitarist. I was impressed by Alicia Keys and by Celeste but less so by Sir Rod Stewart who clearly cannot hold a note any more. And 'Sweet Caroline' for God's sake. Most of the acts were not particularly to my taste, but the likes of Elbow and Duran Duran (with Nile Rodgers) held some appeal. The production was superb in fact with some brilliant lighting effects in front of Buckingham Palace. And there was much diversity as well. It's quite an achievement - 70 years on the throne. And I guess I am among an increasingly small number of people who remember when her father George VI was the monarch. I remember quite clearly the Coronation in 1953 - on an incredibly wet day and watched by my family and the neighbours on a tiny 12 inch black and white TV. She is a great survivor and has done her duty over the years, although personally I would like to see a change once she passes away. There have of course been many tributes to the Queen this week, most of them over the top and very much fawning in their nature. But the Platinum show ended with another true queen - Diana Ross, who I have followed since the first appearance of the Supremes back in 1962. A good ending to a show which will never be repeated.

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